Halo G6
In previous reviews we discussed the many benefits of the V2 e-cigarette and how those benefits would be helpful for new e-smokers, such as the lifetime warranty on all components, the beautiful charging case and the packaging.
The best V2 starter kit costs quite expensive though, and not every new e-smoker will be feeling comfortable spending so much money on their first starter kit. Maybe you are still not completely sure that you’re ready to switch to e-cigarettes, or maybe you just can’t afford a more exclusive starter kit. If you fall into either of these categories, we’d like to present a possible choice with this Halo G6 review.
Summing it up, G6 Starter Kits offer the best solution for new users getting started with electronic cigarettes. Similar in size to a traditional cigarette, the G6 e-cigarette is perfect for those searching for a compact unit. G6 Starter Kits include everything you need to get started, and to continue vaping and enjoying.
These fantastic little kits include everything you need to start vaping and still fit-in with the smoking crowd. Try any flavors, any blends. Finally, your sensations matter the most. The more you sensate, the more you want to continue e-smoking.